Jul 20, 2009


Who are you?

Tamara Lichtenstein

What do you do?
I go to school for nursing, and shoot photos on my spare time

Film or Digital?
mostly film

Where do you come from?
houston, tx

Three words that describes your style?
eclectic, moody, genuine

What cameras do you like to shoot with?
nikon n80 for film and nikon d80 for digital

What influences you to do what you do?
ryan mcginley. he inspires me a lot!

What music are you into right now?
m83, animal collective, hercules and love affair

Any advice for other Photographers?
for the noobs out there, try film!

How did you get into Photography?
i edited photos on photoshop with a point and shoot in junior high, and then i got an SLR sophomore year... and then my obsession just kept growing. lol.

Tamara Lichtenstein

1 comment:

  1. hesham
    p call me : 0020167353378 - 00966565767176
    i look for hot sexy girl
